30 Alamein Avenue Ashburton 3147

Lockdown Life… Still Selling.


Another one listed and sold during lockdown. Are you missing out on all these quiet opportunities that are not published on the real estate websites.

Don’t miss out next time, register your buyer requirements at shelterrealestate.com.au

Best Real Estate Agents in Ashburton Shelter Real Estate


  • Bedrooms: 4
  • Bathrooms: 2
  • Car: 2
  • Property Type: House
    30 Alamein Avenue

Contact info

Will Anderson
Will Anderson
03 9889 39900488 004 001
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Zali Reynolds
Zali Reynolds
03 9889 39900422 576 049
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Steve Koutsantonis
Steve Koutsantonis
03 9889 39900400 128 495

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